iPad - MDM removal

Writhlington School follows the Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership policy for mobile devices. This means that mobile phones are not to be used in school and mobile devices may only be used in school if they are managed by the school. If a child owns an iPad that is managed by the school they may bring it into school for education purposes. If parents would prefer that their iPads are no longer managed by the school, please complete the google form below.

Please be aware that if a device is no longer managed by the school students may not bring it in to school, and parents take full responsibility for the content and and control of the device.

The Process - Please follow each step

  1. Open the Google form see link below

  2. Read the Terms and Conditions process

  3. Tick the box to agree

  4. Enter the iPad serial number

  5. Enter the Student name

  6. Enter the Parental email

  7. Submit the Google form

  8. Wait for confirmation email form IT services *

  9. Follow instructions provided in the email

*Due to the high demand of this service and limited technicians available to complete this process, there will be a booking system as requests are entered. You will be put into a queue and should expect up to 30 days for a response.

Terms and Conditions of Process

Please read and then tick to confirm on the Google form that you understand what this process means.

The MDM (Mobile device management) controls what apps and access your child has via on their iPads. The removal of this system will make the iPad a personal home controlled device with parental responsibility to manage.

This process will involve;

  • A complete device wipe and factory reset of the iPad.

  • All data will be lost, so it is important that you perform a full backup to make sure to save files, contacts or photos, to a home device or personal iCloud.

  • Once this process has been stated there is no back up or return.

After the release has been done, you will be sent an email to confirm and some instructions on how to perform a full device reset.

IMPORTANT If you try to wipe the device before this confirmation email then the system will need to be reset by IT, potentially delaying the process.

Once the reset has been completed, to use the iPad you will need to set up a home Apple ID as the school issued Apple ID will no longer be valid.

Once the iPad has been removed Writhlington IT help desk will no longer be able to help with any issues with the student iPad.